Superiority Is Not Based Upon Wealth And Property

This is the second reply to the infidels of Makkah for their question why prophethood was not bestowed upon some very rich and wealthy person of Makkah of Ta'if?
The gist of the answer is that some qualities and abilities are undoubtedly necessary for choosing someone as a prophet.
But abundance of riches and wealth cannot be taken as the basis of this choice. Wealth and property are so worthless in Allah's view that if there was no apprehension of all the people becoming disbelievers, He will have showered gold and silver upon all the infidels.
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) has stated,
"If the worth of the whole world, in Allah's sight, had been equal to that of one wing of a mosquito, Allah Ta'ala would not have given even one drop of water from this world to an infidel (kafir)". (Tirmidhi)
This tells us that neither abundance of wealth and property owned by someone can be a cause of his superiority, nor can one's poverty be taken as an indication of his being lower in rank.
As for those excellent qualities which are necessary for prophethood, they are found in the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), to their perfection. Their, objection is, therefore, false and baseless.
The statement in these verses that if gold and silver had been showered upo all the infidels, all the people woud have become disbelievers is meant for most of the people.
Even today, there are people who are certain that if they become disbelievers, they will get abundance of riches and wealth, but they do not lose their faith for the sake of wealth and property; such people will have remained teadfast to their belief and faith, perhaps even at that time, but the number of such people will have been very little indeed.
Realize why superiority is not based upon wealth and how Zakat emphasizes piety. Understand why Superiority is Not Based Upon Wealth but rather spiritual purity, linked to vital Islamic Facts.
In Islam, Superiority is Not Based Upon Wealth but rather on acts of kindness and charity, as highlighted in the story of The Consequences of Greed. The importance of Charity in Islam is a cornerstone of faith and selflessness.
Islam teaches that superiority is not determined by wealth but by piety and character. Learn more about the meaning of Iman (faith).
Avoid the pitfalls of arrogance and spiritual illnesses that come with wealth. Reflect on the wise words that emphasize humility and righteousness.
Very well said.