The Time of Fajr Salah (Dawn Prayer)
The time of Fajr prayer begins from dawn. Dawn is when a whitish light, spreads length-wise across the horizon. The end of Fajr is when the sun starts to rise above the horizon, known as sunrise.
The Time of Dhuhr Salah (Noon Prayer)
The time of Dhuhr prayer starts when the sun passes the midday point, and begins to move towards the west. The time of Dhuhr prayer ends when the shadow of everything becomes double the size of its actual shadow, plus the shadow that was at midday point.
The Time of Asr Salah (Afternoon Prayer)
The time of Asr prayer begins when the time of Dhuhr prayer ends. The time of Asr prayer ends when the sun starts to set. However it is makrooh (undesirable) to delay the Asr prayer, so late that the sun becomes pale and yellow, and one can look at the sun without any difficulty.
The makrooh time starts approximately 20 to 30 minutes before the sun starts to set.
Note:- Nevertheless if somebody has NOT performed the Asr prayer of that day, then he should perform the Asr prayer in this makrooh time even if the sun starts to set, he should NOT allow his Asr prayer to be Qada.
The Time of Maghrib Salah (Evening Prayer)
The Maghrib prayer time begins when the sun is set completely. The Maghrib time ends when the reddish light from the western horizon disappears.
But it is makrooh (undesirable) to delay the Maghrib prayer, so that the stars in the sky begin to appear in numbers.
The Time of Isha Prayer (Night Prayer)
The time of Isha prayer begins when the time of Maghrib prayer ends. The time of Isha prayer ends when the time of Fajr prayer begins. ie. the beginning of dawn.
But it is undesirable to delay perform the Isha prayer after the passing of half the night.
Necessary Conditions For Salah
There are seven necessary conditions for Salah, which need to be fulfilled before starting the Salah.
If any of these is NOT fulfilled then the Salah will not be valid.
1) One should be pure from all impurities of the body i.e. in a state of wudhu and there should be no impurities on the body.
2) Ones clothes should be pure from all impurities.
3) The place of performing the prayer should be pure of all impurities.
4) It is compulsory for males to cover their body from naval to the knees. If any part of the body, which is in between these two parts, is left uncovered then the prayer will not be valid.
It is compulsory for a women to cover their whole body from head to toe during prayer. Only the face and the palms up till the wrist are allowed to be uncovered, including the feet up till the ankles.
If such thin clothes are worn through which the parts of the body, which is compulsory to cover, are seen, then the prayer will not be valid.
E.g. such a thin scarf is worn that the hair can be seen, then the prayer will not be valid.
5) Face The Qibla (direction of the Ka'bah in Makkah).
If someone does not know the direction of Qibla and someone is nearby then he should ask them.
If there is no one else or there are people but they don't know the direction of Qibla, then one should think for himself, in whichever direction his heart is more contented he should perform prayer in that direction.
After completing the prayer if he finds out that he had prayed prayer in the wrong direction, then he does not have to repeat his prayer again, the prayer is valid.
6) It is compulsory to make intention of performing the prayer before stating the prayer. E.g. He should think in his heart that I am performing Fajr prayer behind this Imaam.
It is NOT necessary to make the intention with the tongue. However it is permissible.
7) It is necessary to perform prayer after its prescribed time has started.
Method of Performing Salah
The Fardh of Salah
There are six fardh (compulsory acts) in Salah:
1) To say Allah-hu-akbar to begin the prayer. It is necessary to say Allah-hu-akbar, so loudly that one can hear himself.
If this taqbeer is said so softly, that only the lips move, but no sound is heard by his own ears, then the taqbeer is not sufficient for starting the prayer. The prayer will not be valid.
2) To perform salah standing up, in fardh, sunnah, and wajib salah.
3) To recite at least the amount of three verses of the Qur'an.
4) To make ruku (bow).
5) To perform two sajdah (prostrations) in each rak'ah.
6) To sit in the last rak'ah so long as it takes to recite at-Tahiyyat.
If any of these compulsory acts is not performed either deliberately or accidentally then the prayer will not be valid. It will become obligatory to repeat that prayer.
The Wajibs of Salah
There are eight wajibs (necessary acts) in Salah:
1) To recite Surat al-Fatiah.
2) To recite the amount of three verses from the Qur'an.
3) To perform every fardh (compulsory act) in its prescribed order i.e. Takber e tahreema (to say Allah-hu-akbar at begining), then standing up, and ruku then sajdah etc.
4) To recite Surat al-Fatiah first then join the other verses.
5) To sit after the second rak'ah.
6) To recite at-Tahiyyat in the first and last sitting.
7) To finish the Salah by saying Asalamu-alaykum. Note: It is Sunnah to recite the whole word Asalamu-alaykum warah matullah.
8) To perform every act, calmly, and without haste. I.e. the body should become still in that act and then the next act should be performed.
If any of these wajibs is not performed in the salah, accidentally or due to forgetfulness, then sajdah al-sahw is sufficient for rectifying this salah.
However if any of these wajibs are missed out deliberately then it is necessary to repeat the salah. sajdah al-sahw is not sufficient for rectifying this salah.
The Method of Performing Sajdah al-Sahw
If any one needs to perform sajdah al-sahw in their Salah, then when he sits in the last rak'ah he should recite complete at-Tahiyyat.
Then make salaam towards the right, then perform two sajdah's, same as performed in normal salah.
Then return in the sitting and recite at-Tahiyyat again, then durood and du'a, then end the salah with salaam on both sides, right first then left.
The Sunnah Method of Salah
1) After making wudhu face the Qibla.
2) Make the intention of performing Salah.
3) Raise both hands up till the earlobes whilst saying Allahu Akbar.
Note: Whilst raising both hands up till the earlobes the fingers should be together and both the fingers and the palm should face the kibla.
4) The takbeer (term for Arabic phrase Allahu Akbar) should finish whilst folding both hands beneath the naval, putting the right above the left in such a way, that the wrist of the left hand should be held by the thumb and small finger of the right hand.
The three fingers of the right hand should be placed on the left wrist, and the palm of the right hand should be on the back of the left hand.
5) Whilst standing up, both feet should be kept apart, by a distance of four fingers.
6) Whilst standing up, the eyesight should be at the place of the sajdah (prostration) and the eyes should be kept open.
7) Recite sanah subhanakalla humma - up till the end.
8) Then recite surah Al-Fatiha (alhamdu), after completing surah Al-Fatiha say 'Ameen'.
9) Then recite any surah (chapter) or any 3 ayaats (verses) from the Holy Qur'an.
10) Saying Allahu Akbar bow for ruku (bowing while standing position). The ruku should be made in such a way that the back and the back part of the head should be level. Both knees should be held firmly by the thumb and the small finger, the other three fingers should be spread on the knees and pointing down.
11) The eyesight should be between the two feet.
12) Say subhana rabi-al azeem at least three times.
13) Whilst sami-Allah huliman hamida stand up from ruku.
14) Whilst standing up say rabanna lakal hamd once.
15) Stay standing until all parts of the body become still.
16) Go into sajdah saying Allahu Akbar, whilst going into sajdah place both knees on the ground first, then both hands, then the tip of the nose and then the forehead. Whilst in sajdah the earlobes should be in line with the thumbs, and the fingers of both hands should be together.
The Males should raise their arms above the ground. The upper part of the arms above the elbows should be separate from the ribs. The back and the thighs should be well above the ground, and the feet should be together, resting on their toes.
Females should make the sajdah as flat as possible. They should spread their hands and arms on the ground, and the ribs should touch the upper part of the arm, and their stomach should touch the thighs. Their feet should be laid flat on the right side.
17) Recite Subhana Rabbiyal A'la at least 3 times.
18) Whilst saying Allahu-akbar sit in kaida (the sitting position).
19) Stay sitting until all the body becomes still.
20) After completing the second sajdah (prostration) stand up for the second rak'ah. By first raising the forehead, then the tip of the nose, then place both hands on the knees, taking support of the knees, stand up on the tip of the toes. Whilst standing up, one should not take support off the ground unnecessarily.
21) Start the second rak'ah by reciting Bismillah then surah Al-Fatiha then any surah or 3 verses from the Holy Qur'an, and complete the second rak'ah by performing the ruku and both sajdah's (prostrations) as mentioned above.
22) After completing the second rak'ah the men should spread their left foot and sit on it, and keep the right foot standing with the toes facing the Qibla. Women should bring out both their feet on the right side, and sit on the ground.
23) Men and women should put their hands on their thighs, keeping the fingers together, facing the Qibla.
24) Whilst sitting in kaida keep the eyesight on the lap.
25) Whilst sitting in kaida recite Tashahhud, on reaching ashhadu Allah ila ha ill-Allah, whilst reciting reciting la-ila-ha raise the index finger of the right hand, and make a circle with the thumb and the middle index finger, then saying ill-Allah put the index finger down, but keep the circle of the middle finger and the thumb, up till the end of kaida.
26) If the Salah is of two rak'ah's then recite durood shareef after Tashahhud, then recite du'a.
27) When saying asalamu alaykum warahmatullah turn the face towards the right shoulder, then again saying the same turn the face towards the left shoulder.
28) If anyone is performing four-rak'ah Salah then after reciting Tashahhud in the kaida, stand up for the third rak'ah without reciting durood shareef and du'a.
29) In the third & fouth rak'ah of Fardh (obligatory) Salah recite only surah Al-Fatiha. If it is a Sunnah, Nafil or Witr Salah, then recite any other surah or three verses after surah Al-Fatiha.
30) Then perform the ruku and sajdah in the third and fourth rak'ah and complete the last kaida as mentioned in no. 25,26 & 27. This is the Sunnah method of performing Salah.
1) To talk while performing Salah intentionally or due to forgetfulness.
2) To cry loudly due to pain or sorrow.
3) To cough unnecessarily, due to which letters are pronounced. But if coughing occurs due to cough and throat trouble then the Salah will not break.
4) To recite the Holy Qur'an looking inside whilst performing Salah.
5) To turn the chest away from the Qibla.
6) To eat something the size of or bigger than a pea.
7) To say aaalahu instead of Allahu.
8) To walk further than the distance of Sajdah.
9) To laugh so loudly that he can hear himself, and if one laughs so loudly that people nearby can also hear him, then the Salah & Wudu (partial ablution) will both break.
Things That Are Makrooh (Undesirable) In Salah
Makrooh things are those things that do not break the Salah, but reduce the reward of the Salah. It is also a sin.
1) To play or fiddle with any part of the body or clothes.
2) To crack the fingers.
3) To put the hands on the hips.
4) To turn the face sideways.
5) To sit on the feet keeping the feet upright (vertical).
6) For males to put the arms flat on the ground whilst making sajdah.
7) To perform Salah at such a place where there is a danger that he will not be able to pray Salah with concentration. E.g. In a corridor where people are talking loudly etc.
8) To perform Salah on a carpet or musallah (prayer rug) which has animated pictures.
9) To perform Salah in a place where the walls have animated pictures.
10) To perform Salah wearing clothes which have animated pictures.
11) To count the ayaats (verses) or tasbehaats on the fingers, but if anyone only presses the finger then the Salah will not be makrooh.
12) To make the second rak'ah longer than the first rak'ah by 3 or more ayaats.
13) To fix any surah for any particular Salah, in such a way that he always recites that surah in that Salah.
14) To wear a scarf (rumal) Arab style and hanging on the shoulders.
15) To perform Salah in dirty clothes.
16) To perform Salah with anything in the mouth. If that thing stops the person from reciting the Holy Qur'an then the Salah will not be valid.
17) To perform Salah while desperate with urine or stool.
18) To perform Salah whilst very hungry and the food is ready.8) To perform Salah on a carpet or musallah (prayer rug) which has animated pictures.
9) To perform Salah in a place where the walls have animated pictures.
10) To perform Salah wearing clothes which have animated pictures.
11) To count the ayaats (verses) or tasbehaats on the fingers, but if anyone only presses the finger then the Salah will not be makrooh.
12) To make the second rak'ah longer than the first rak'ah by 3 or more ayaats.
13) To fix any surah for any particular Salah, in such a way that he always recites that surah in that Salah.
14) To wear a scarf (rumal) Arab style and hanging on the shoulders.
15) To perform Salah in dirty clothes.
16) To perform Salah with anything in the mouth. If that thing stops the person from reciting the Holy Qur'an then the Salah will not be valid.
17) To perform Salah while desperate with urine or stool.
20) To spit or clean the nose unnecessarily. But if necessity arises then he should spit or clean the nose in a cloth.
21) To catch any insect while performing Salah.
Matters Which Make Permissible To Break Salah
1) If any danger occurs while performing Salah then it is permissible to break Salah, e.g. if there is danger, of the food burning on the cooker.
2) If there is a need for urinating or excretion whilst performing Salah.
3) It is wajib to break the Salah if a child is in danger of being caught in a fire or is in danger of having an accident.
4) It is wajib to break the fardh Salah if anyone's parents are in trouble and are calling for help, e.g. they are severely ill and need help for going to the toilet and need support or they may fall, but if there is anyone else in the house then one should not break the Salah.
2) If there is a need for urinating or excretion whilst performing Salah.
3) It is wajib to break the Salah if a child is in danger of being caught in a fire or is in danger of having an accident.
4) It is wajib to break the fardh Salah if anyone's parents are in trouble and are calling for help, e.g. they are severely ill and need help for going to the toilet and need support or they may fall, but if there is anyone else in the house then one should not break the Salah.
Note: If they are not in trouble and they call without need then one should not break the fardh Salah for replying to them.
5) If anyone is praying Sunnah or nafil Salah but the parents don't that one is performing Salah and they call, then it is wajib to break the Salah, and reply to them, weather they call in need or without.
Note: If they know that one is performing Salah and they call without a need then one should not break his Salah.
Method Of Witr Salah
The time of witr Salah starts, after performing Isha Salah. Witr Salah ends at dawn.
1) The Witr Salah has three rak'ah's.
2) After performing the second rak'ah one should sit in kaida and recite Tashahhud.
3) After reciting Tashahhud one should not recite durood shareef, but stand up for the third rak'ah.
4) In the third rak'ah one should recite surah Al-Fatiha and a surah or three verses from the Holy Qur'an. Then whilst standing one should raise both hands up till the earlobes and recite the takbeer, Allahu akbar, then fold the hands as usual and recite dua-e-qunoot (prayer of qunoot).
5) After reciting prayer of qunoot do ruku and sajdah as usual.
6) After performing both sajdah's in the third rak'ah, sit in kaida, recite Tashahhud, durood shareef and dua, and then end the Salah with salaam.
The Rules Of Witr Salah
1) One should recite surah Al-Fatiha and some other surah or three verses from the Holy Qur'an, in all three rak'ah's of witr Salah.
2) If anyone forgets to recite dua-e-qunoot in the third rak'ah and goes into ruku, then one remembers that one has not recited dua-e-qunoot, then he should not stand up to recite dua-e-qunoot, and he should not recite dua-e-qunoot in ruku either, but one should complete the Salah in the normal manner and perform sajdah-e-sahwa (prostration of forgetfulness) in the last kaida.
If by mistake the person performs ruku, and returns to the standing position, then one has committed an unsuitable act, and he will still have to perform sajdah-e-sahwa. (This is a wajib act).
3) If anyone recites dua-e-qunoot in the first or second rak'ah by mistake, still one should recite dua-e-qunoot in the third rak'ah and perform also sajdah-e-sahwa.
4) If anyone does not know dua-e-qunoot, then he should recite:
Or say three times: Allahummagfirrly.
Or say three times: Yaa-rabbee.
Virtues And Importance Of Performing Fardh Salah With Jamaat (Congregation)
It is Wajib (necessary) or Sunnah Muakkadah (an act the Prophet (peace be upon him), always used to do). to perform fardh Salah with jamaaat.
(Males only) If two people perform the Salah in such a way that one person becomes the Imaam (leading person), and the other person follows him in that Salah. Then it will be counted as jamaat, and both of them will be entitled to the reward of performing Salah with jamaat.
However, before the Jum'uah Salah (Friday prayer) it is necessary to have at least three followers, besides the Imaam for the Jum'uah Salah to be valid.
Note: If they know that one is performing Salah and they call without a need then one should not break his Salah.
Method Of Witr Salah
The time of witr Salah starts, after performing Isha Salah. Witr Salah ends at dawn.
1) The Witr Salah has three rak'ah's.
2) After performing the second rak'ah one should sit in kaida and recite Tashahhud.
3) After reciting Tashahhud one should not recite durood shareef, but stand up for the third rak'ah.
4) In the third rak'ah one should recite surah Al-Fatiha and a surah or three verses from the Holy Qur'an. Then whilst standing one should raise both hands up till the earlobes and recite the takbeer, Allahu akbar, then fold the hands as usual and recite dua-e-qunoot (prayer of qunoot).
5) After reciting prayer of qunoot do ruku and sajdah as usual.
6) After performing both sajdah's in the third rak'ah, sit in kaida, recite Tashahhud, durood shareef and dua, and then end the Salah with salaam.
The Rules Of Witr Salah
1) One should recite surah Al-Fatiha and some other surah or three verses from the Holy Qur'an, in all three rak'ah's of witr Salah.
2) If anyone forgets to recite dua-e-qunoot in the third rak'ah and goes into ruku, then one remembers that one has not recited dua-e-qunoot, then he should not stand up to recite dua-e-qunoot, and he should not recite dua-e-qunoot in ruku either, but one should complete the Salah in the normal manner and perform sajdah-e-sahwa (prostration of forgetfulness) in the last kaida.
If by mistake the person performs ruku, and returns to the standing position, then one has committed an unsuitable act, and he will still have to perform sajdah-e-sahwa. (This is a wajib act).
3) If anyone recites dua-e-qunoot in the first or second rak'ah by mistake, still one should recite dua-e-qunoot in the third rak'ah and perform also sajdah-e-sahwa.
4) If anyone does not know dua-e-qunoot, then he should recite:
Or say three times: Allahummagfirrly.
Or say three times: Yaa-rabbee.
Virtues And Importance Of Performing Fardh Salah With Jamaat (Congregation)
It is Wajib (necessary) or Sunnah Muakkadah (an act the Prophet (peace be upon him), always used to do). to perform fardh Salah with jamaaat.
(Males only) If two people perform the Salah in such a way that one person becomes the Imaam (leading person), and the other person follows him in that Salah. Then it will be counted as jamaat, and both of them will be entitled to the reward of performing Salah with jamaat.
However, before the Jum'uah Salah (Friday prayer) it is necessary to have at least three followers, besides the Imaam for the Jum'uah Salah to be valid.
Three Ahadith:
1) The Prophet peace be upon him) has said,
"A Salah performed with Jamaat is 27 times more rewarding than Salah performed alone". (Mishkaat)
2) The Prophet (peace be upon him) has said,
"to perform Salah with one person is better than performing Salah alone". (Mishkaat)
The more people in the jamaat, the more liked by Allah (Most Exalted, Most High).
3) The Prophet (peace be upon him) has said,
"the time that has gone waiting for Salah is counted as Salah". (Muslim)
Conditions For Performing Salah With Jamaat
It becomes Sunnah Muakkadah or is Wajib to perform Salah with jamaat, for a person in whom the following conditions are applied:
1) He should be a male; it is makrooh (disapproved) for a woman to perform Salah with jamaat.
2) He should have reached the age of maturity/puberty; Salah is not fardh on immature children. However they should e made to perform Salah from the age of seven to ten, to give them the habit and practice of performing Salah with jamaat.
3) He should be a free man, not a slave. A worker in a factory, shop, or office, a student in a school or college are all free men. It is necessary for them to perform Salah with jamaat, whilst they are on there duties.
4) He should be a sane person; jamaat is not necessary on a person who is insane.
5) He should be free from the following reasons:
- He should have sufficient clothes to cover the private parts, i.e. from just above navel to just below knees.
- The path to the Masjid (Mosque) should not be so muddy that it becomes difficult to walk, i.e. danger of slipping.
- In case of severe rain and flooding.
- In case of severe cold, and there is a danger of becoming ill, or increasing the illness.
- In case of losing goods and property by theft.
- In case of being attacked by an enemy.
- In case of danger of abuse from a person to whom you owe money, and you do not have the money to pay.
- Severe darkness and there is no arrangements for lighting.
- Severe winds during the night. (Hurricane, Typhoon).
- Caring and looking after a sick person, when there is no one else to look after the sick person if he goes for jamaat.
- In a state of hunger and the food is ready.
- In a desperate urge of urination or excretion.
- If a person is prepared to set off for a journey, and there is a danger that his group might set off, or if the luggage is on a train, and the train might set off.
- In case of such an illness, which makes it difficult to perform Salah standing up.
If any of these 14 reasons occur to anyone, then it is permissible for him not to attend the jamaat, and he can perform his Salah by himself.
Conditions Of Being An Appropriate Imaam
1) A person who is most entitled to become Imaam is a person who knows the rules and regulations of Salah providing he does not have any sinful habits.
2) He knows the Sunnah amount of Qira'at (method of recitation), i.e. from Surah Al-Hujurat to Surah An-Nas.
3) He recites the Qur'an correctly i.e. according to the rules of Tajweed (rules governing pronunciation during recitation of the Qur'an).
4) He who is the most pious.
5) He who is the eldest from the group.
Some Rules & Regulations Regarding An Imaam
- If there is a fixed Imaam in a mosque then he is the most entitled person to lead the Salah.
- It is makrooh tehrimi (impermissible/sinful act) to become an Imaam against the pleasure and will of the community of the people. However, if that person is the most entitled person because of his qualities, then there is no sin on him on leading the jamaat. The sin will be on those people who are against him.
- It is a major sin to make an Imaam who commits major sins.
- It is necessary for the followers to carry out the fardh and wajib acts of the Salah with the Imaam. If the followers leave out any fardh or wajib acts, then their Salah will not be valid.
- If there is one person performing Salah with the Imaam, then that erson should stand on the right side of the Imaam. If there are two or more people with the Imaam, then they should stand behind the Imaam.
- If there is a space in the first row, then it is makruh (undesirable) to start the second row without completing the first row.
- If someone reaches the Mosque at such a time, that the Salah with jamaat has been completed there, the it is mustahab (desirable) for that person to go to another Mosque where he can perform the Salah with jamaat, or return home and perform the Salah with jamaat with his family.
- If someone has performed the fardh Salah at home, and then he goes to the Mosque and finds people performing that Salah with jamaat. Then if it is Zuhr or Isha Salah then he should join the jamaat, this will be his nafl (supererogatory) Salah. However, if it is Fajr, Asr, or Maghrib Salah then he should not join in with the jamaat, as it is makruh to perform nafl after Fajr and Asr Salah. Regarding Maghrib Salah, there is no three rak'ah's nafl Salah.
- If someone has started 4 rak'ah's Sunnah or nafl Salah, then he should complete 2 rak'ah's of his Salah, and should not complete 4 rak'ah's. He should join the jamaat. However if he has started the third or fourth rak'ah then he should complete that Salah then join the jamaat. This rule applies to the Sunnah or Zuhr and Jum'uah Salah also.
- If the fardh Salah is being performed then he should not start his sunnah rak'ah's, if he fears that if he starts to perform his Sunnah rak'ah's he will miss fardh rak'ah's. However the sunnah rak'ah's of Fajr Salah are more emphasized. Thus these sunnah rak'ah's should be performed, if he feels that he will be able to join the last rak'ah's of Fajr Salah. However, he should not pray these sunnah rak'ah's in a place where jamaat is being performed. I.e. in the jama'at khana (congregational place).
- If someone has not performed the 4 Sunnah rak'ah's before Zuhr or Jum'uah Salah, then he should perform these 4 sunnah rak'ah's after Zuhr or Jum'uah Salah. He should perform the 2 sunnah rak'ah's that come after the Zuhr Salah first, and then he should perform the 4 rak'ah's sunnah of Zuhr. After performing Jum'uah Salah, he should perform the 4 sunnah rak'ah's that come after the Jum'uah Salah, and the he should perform the 4 missed sunnah rak'ah's of Jum'uah Salah.
- If someone joins in the last kaida of Salah then he will still receive the reward of performing Salah with jamaat.
- If someone joins the Imaam in the ruku, then he will be counted to have performed that rak'ah. However, if the Imaam stands up from ruku, and he did not join the Imaam in the ruku, then he will not be counted to have performed that rak'ah.
Condition For Jumu'ah Salah
There are some conditions, which need to be fulfilled for the Jumu'ah Salah(Congregational Friday Prayer) to be valid. If any of these conditions are not fulfilled then the Salah will not be valid.
There are some conditions, which need to be fulfilled for the Jumu'ah Salah(Congregational Friday Prayer) to be valid. If any of these conditions are not fulfilled then the Salah will not be valid.

2) Jumu'ah should be performed in the time of Zuhr.
3) A khutbah (sermon) should be delivered before the Salah.
4) The Khutbah should be delivered in the time of Zuhr, and it is necessary that the khutbah is delivered in Arabic in the first and second part.
6) The Jumu'ah Salah should be performed at such a place where there is a general permission for people to attend and perform the Jumu'ah Salah.
If Jumu'ah Salah is performed at such a place where general public is not allowed to attend and perform the Jumu'ah Salah, then the Jumu'ah Salah performed at that place will not be valid.
It is necessary to fulfil all the above necessary conditions, for the Jumu'ah Salah to be valid. If any of these are not fulfilled then the Jumu'ah Salah will not be valid.
Conditions Which Make Jumu'ah Salah Fardh On A Person
Jumu'ah Salah becomes fardh on a person who is the following:
- He should be a Muqeem (non-traveller).
- He should be healthy enough to be able to walk to the masjid (mosque). Walking to the masjid for prayer offers unique blessings, as discussed in Walking to Masjid.
- He should be a free man and not a slave.
Note: A worker in a factory, office, shop, etc.. and a student in a college or school are all free men. Hence compulsory for them to perform their Jumu'ah Salah. To work or study is not a valid reason for not performing Jumu'ah Salah.
- He should be mature male.
- He should be sane.
- He should be a Muslim.
- He should be free from the valid reasons, which allow him to miss Salah with jamaat. If all these conditions are fulfilled then it becomes compulsory for that person to perform Jumu'ah Salah.
Details Of Jumu'ah Salah
1) After the first Adhan (call to worship) is called, it becomes haram(forbidden) to engage oneself in any act, which delays the preparation and attention of Jumu'ah Salah, e.g. eating, sleeping, buying or selling etc.
2) When the Imaam comes out towards the minbar (pulpit) to give sermon it becomes unlawful to perform Salah, to talk, to make dhikr, to eat, or to fidget with the clothes until the Imaam completes the sermon.
3) When the sermon is being delivered it is wajib to listen to it.
4) If anyone is performing the sunnah rak'ah's of Jumu'ah, and the sermon starts, then he should complete the sunnah rak'ah's of Jumu'ah, with shorter Qira'at.
5) If anyone is performing nafl Salah, and the sermon starts, then he should finish the nafl on the second rak'ah.
6) If the sermon of Jumu'ah has started, and someone has not performed the initial sunnah rak'ah's of Jumu'ah, then he should perform the sunnah rak'ah's, after performing the 4 and 2 sunnah rak'ah's that come after the Jumu'ah fardh Salah.
7) When the name of Prophet (peace be upon him) is mentioned, in the sermon, then the listeners should recite durood-shareef in their hearts, but not with their tongues.
8) There are 4 rak'ah's Sunnah Muakkadah, before the 2 rak'ah's fardh of Jumu'ah Salah.
7) When the name of Prophet (peace be upon him) is mentioned, in the sermon, then the listeners should recite durood-shareef in their hearts, but not with their tongues.
8) There are 4 rak'ah's Sunnah Muakkadah, before the 2 rak'ah's fardh of Jumu'ah Salah.
9) After the 2 rak'ah's of Jumu'ah Salah, there is 4 rak'ah's sunnah muakkadah, then another 2 rak'ah's sunnah muakkadah.
Note: It is necessary to perform these sunnah rak'ah's; if anyone does not perform these sunnah rak'ah's then it will be a major sin.
Etiquettes & Method Of Salah For Both Eids
1) After the end of the month of Ramadhan, the first day of the month of Shawaal is the day of Eid al-Fitr (Festival of breaking of the Fast).2) The 10th of Dhu al-Hijjah is the day of Eid al-Adha (Festival of the Sacrifice). These two days are days of happiness and joy in Islam.
3) As appreciation and gratefulness it is wajib to perform 2 rak'ah Salah in both Eid days.
4) All the conditions, which are necessary for the Jumu'ah Salah, are also necessary for the Eid Salah's. Except the sermon, which is a condition for the Jumu'ah Salah, but is not a condition for the Eid Salah. It is sunnah to give a sermon after the Eid Salah, but it is wajib to listen to the sermon, and it is undesirable to walk or talk, whilst the sermon is being delivered.
There Are 13 Sunnah's Of Eid al-Fitr
1) Addorn and prepare oneself according to the etiquettes of Sharia (Islamic Law).
2) Take a bath.
3) Clean the teeth and mouth with miswak (teeth cleaning twig made from Salvadora persica tree).
4) Wear the best clothes one has.
Note: Best clothes means, according to Sharia Islamic dress.
5) Use attar (perfume) on the clothes.
6) Wake up early in the morning, before Fajr, so one can perform Tahajjud (night prayer) Salah.
7) Before going out to perform the Eid Salah, one should eat something sweet, such as dates, or a sweet fruit.
8) One should go to the Eidgah (open air gathering place to perform Eid Salah), as early as possible, after the sunrise.
9) One should pay the Zakat al-Fitr/Sadqa al-Fitr to the poor (charity given to poor at the end of the fasting in the month of Ramadan), before going to the Eidgah.
10) One should perform the Eid Salah in the Eidgah, i.e. not in the masjid, but in an open place such as a field.
11) One should return from the Eidgah, from a different route, than the path he took for going to Eidgah.
12) One should walk to the Eidgah, but not by transport, if possible.
13) One should recite quietly, whilst going to the Eidgah:
Allahu-akbar Allahu-akbar La-ila-ha-il-lal-lahu Wallahu-akbar Allahu-akbar Walilah-hilhamd.
These etiquettes are also sunnah for Eid al-Adha.
Except for the following:-
1) On Eid al-Adha it is not sunnah to eat something sweet, before going to the Eidgah.
2) On Eid al-Adha it is sunnah to recite the takbeer above loudly.
3) It is sunnah to perform the Eid al-Adha Salah, early after the sunrise, when the makruh time has passed, and one should perform the Salah of Eid al-Fitr a little later.
4) One the Eid al-Adha, there is no Zakat al-Fitr/Sadqa al-Fitr, but instead there is Qurbani (sacrifice of a livestock animal) to be performed.
5) There is no adhan (Islamic call to worship) and iqama (second call to Islamic prayer), for either Eid Salah's.
1) If the Eid Salah is performed at the Eidgah, then it is makruh (undesirable) to perform a nafl Salah in that Eidgah, not before and not after the Eid Salah for the whole day.
2) In any other place other than the Eidgah, it is undesirable to perform any nafl Salah, after the Fajr Salah, until the Eid Salah is performed, it is not undesirable to perform nafl Salah, in any place.
3) Those people on whom the Eid Salah is not wajib, it is also undesirable for them to perform nafl Salah, e.g. young children and women.
4) Eid Salah can be performed in different places, but it has to be in the same town.
5) It is sunnah muakkadah to perform the Eid Salah in a place, where things are prepared for Eid Salah, or in a field, if possible not in a mosque. One cannot miss the Eid Salah without a valid reason.
6) If anyone missed the Eid Salah and did not perform the Eid Salah with jamaat, then one cannot perform the Eid Salah by himself, because it is necessary to perform the Eid Salah, with at least four people, one person is the imam, and the other three being the followers. However if four or more people have missed the Eid Salah then it is wajib for them to perform the Eid Salah with jamaat.
Method Of Performing Eid Salah
The method of performing Eid Salah is:
1) The person should make intention that he is performing wajib Eid Salah, two rak'ah's, behind this imam.
2) After the niyyah (intention), start the Salah with takbeer tehrima (Allahu-akbar) and fold the hands.
3) Recite Sanna Subhanakallah-humma...
4) Say Allahu-akbar 3 times and every time raise both the hands up till the earlobes, but after the first two takbeer's drop the hands, do not fold them, and wait between both the takbeer's for so long that one can say SubhanAllah 3 times. After the 3rd takbeer fold the arms.
5) The imam will recite a-u-thoobillah, then bismillah, then surah Al-Fatiha and some other surah with it, but the followers will stand behind the imam quietly.
6) The imam and followers will make ruku and sajdah as in any other Salah, and stand up for the second rak'ah.
7) In the second rak'ah the imam will recite surah Al-Fatiha and some other surah, then whilst standing up, the three takbeer will be recited, for every takbeer the hands should be raised up till the earlobes, and let loose. The imam will recite these takbeer loudly, but the followers should recite them silently, so they can hear themselves.
8) After the ruku and sajdah have been performed the Salah will be completed as any other Salah, by sitting in kaida, and reciting tashahhud, durood shareef, and du'a, and finishing the Salah with salam.
9) After the salam it is sunnah to make du'a.
10) After the Salah the imam will deliver the sermon.
11) These two sermon's which are delivered by the imam are sunnah, but it is wajib to listen to these sermon's. Whilst the sermon is being delivered, it is unlawful to talk, fidget with the clothes or carpets or walk around.
12) If somebody has joined the Eid Salah at such a time that the imam has completed the three takbeer's of the first rak'ah, then after starting the Salah, one should recite these three takbeer's, even though the imam has started the qira'at.
13) If someone joins the imam, when the imam is in ruku then he should start his Salah, and recite the three takbeer's in the standing position, if he is confident that he will be able to join the imam in the ruku.
If he fears that after reciting these three takbeer's, he will: not be able to join the imam in the ruku, and that the imam will stand up from the ruku, then in that case, he should make the ruku first, then recite the three takbeers in the ruku, without raising the hands.
If the imam stands up from the ruku, before the follower has completed reciting the three takbeer's then he should also stand up from the ruku, without completing the takbeers.
14) If someone has missed the first rak'ah, and joins in the second rak'ah, then when the imam completes the Salah, one should stand up first recite surah Al-Fatiha and another surah, then say the three takbeer's. Then complete the Salah by performing ruku, sajdah, Tashahhud, and salam as in any other Salah.
15) In the Eid Salah, if the imam makes such a mistake, which makes sajdah al-sahw wajib, then he should NOT perform the sajdah al-sahw to avoid the disruption and confusion amongst the gathering.
Salah Of A Musafir (Traveller)
1) If a person starts a journey from his hometown, with the intention of travelling 48 miles or more, then when he passes the border of his hometown, then he will be a musafir (traveller) in sharia rules.

If anyone intends to travel less than 48 miles, from ones town, then one will not be counted as a traveller in sharia rules.
2) When a person becomes a traveller according to shariah rules, then it is necessary for one to pray the obligatory Salah of Zuhr, Asr, and Isha 2 rak'ah's and not 4 rak'ah's.
3) One has to pray the Fajr Salah of 2 rak'ah's, and Maghrib 3 rak'ah's as they are.
4) The rule regarding the sunnah Salah is, if anyone is in a hurry and danger that his companions might leave, and one will be left behind, then it is permissible for one to miss the Sunnah's. If one is not in a hurry then one should perform all the Sunnah's, as they are performed at home, without leaving out any rak'ah's.
5) Whilst a person is a traveller, and he performs, Zuhr, Asr, or Isha 4 raka'ah's, instead of two, then if one sat in tashahhud after the second rak'ah, then his first two rak'ah's will be counted as fard, and the second two would count as nafl Salah. However, in the last sitting one should make Sajdah al-Sahw and then complete the Salah.
If one did not sit in the tashahhud, after the second rak'ah, then all four rak'ah's will be counted as nafl, and it is necessary for one to perform that Salah again.
6) If a traveller settles in any place, and makes an intention of staying at that place for 15 days or more, then one will not be counted as a musafir (traveller) so he should perform all the Salah as it is performed at home, i.e. Zuhr, Asr, and Isha 4 rak'ah's.
7) If one has made the intention of staying less than fifteen days, then one is still a musafir (traveller) so one should perform Zuhr, Asr, and Isha 2 rak'ah's, and not 4 rak'ah's.
8) If a traveller performs fard Salah with a local Imam or a local person, then the traveller should perform the Salah as it is performed by the local Imam. i.e. Zuhr, Asr, and Isha four rak'ah's.
9) If a traveller settles in any place, but does not make intention of staying there for any particular amount of days, then he is still a musafir. No matter how long he stays in that locality, he is still a musafir, and he should perform Zuhr, Asr, and Isha two rak'ah's. Only when one is performing these Salah alone, by oneself.
10) If a women, is travelling with her father or husband, then the intention of the father or husband will be considered, and not the wife's or the daughters.
11) The traveller should not allow his/her Salah become qada (failing to pray Salah within praying time) whilst travelling, but if one misses any Salah during one's journey, then one should make qada, and perform them as a traveller (musafir). Whether one makes one's qada while one is travelling, or after one comes home. One should still perform his/her Salah two rak'ah's and not four.
12) If a traveller has missed any fard Salah, while one was at his/her home, and one wishes to perfom his/her qada Salah while one is on a journey, then one should make the qada of all the fard Salah, as one would have performed them at home, i.e. Perform the Zuhr, Asr, and Isha Salah four rak'ah's, and not two.
13) A women cannot travel on a journey of more than 48 miles, without a mahram, or her husband.
NOTE:- A mahram is a person, who she cannot marry, e.g. grandfather, father, or her son.
14) Even on a journey, which is less than 48 miles, it is not preferable for a women to travel without a mahram or her husband. If the journey is not safe for her chastity and respect, then it is not permissible to travel without her husband or mahram. Even though the journey may be short and less than forty-eight miles.
Ishraq (Sunrise) Prayer
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) is reported to have said,
“Whoever, after finishing Fajr salah, kept sitting at the place of prayer, and prayed the Ishraq salah before getting up from there,

provided he did not engage in any worldly act or conversation during that time, and instead, remained in Allah's remembrance (Dhikr), then all his sins are forgiven, even if they are as much as the foarn of the ocean.” (Abu Dawood)
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) is reported to have said that Allah Ta'ala says,
“O son of Aadam, perform 4 Rak’aahs of Salah (Ishraaq) in the early part of the day. I shall help you in accomplishing all your responsibilities during the rest of the day.” (Mishkat pg.116)
In another narration of Tirmidhi, Rasulullah is reported to have said,
“He who performs Fajr Salat with Jamaat and remains seated in the same place while engaging in Dhikr until after sunrise and thereafter performs 2 Rak’aahs optional salah (Ishraaq), he will obtain the reward of one Hajj and one Umrah.” (Tirmidhi).
From the above Ahaadith, we learn that the number of Rak’aahs to be performed are 2 or 4 Rak’aahs, and the preferred (mustahabb) method of performing it is to remain seated in your place of Salah after Fajr and engage in the remembrance of Allah (Dhikr), until sunrise.
Then, approximately, 10-15 minutes after sunrise perform 2-4 Rak’aahs.
Among the recommended prayers, Dhuhaa (Breakfast Prayer) holds a special place for those seeking additional rewards.
Among the recommended prayers, Dhuhaa (Breakfast Prayer) holds a special place for those seeking additional rewards.
Prayer of Tahajjud - Night prayer
The beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has said,
“In Paradise there is a castle reserved for those who read Tahajjud.” and the Prophet (peace be upon him) further adds,
“Those who pray at night will enter paradise without having to account for their acts in this life.”
The Nafl of Tahajjud are read after the Isha prayer, but it is important to sleep before performing Tahajjud. The prayer consists of a minimum of 2 Rak’aahs, and a maximum of 8 or 12 Rak’aahs (to be read according ones capacity).
After Isha prayer, sleep for some time, and then wake up any time during the night before the rise of morning for Tahajjud prayer.
With the performance of 2 Rak’aahs you have duly achieved your Tahajjud. However, the performance of 8 Rak’aahs is Sunnah. A recommendation is that you recite in your prayers as much of the Sacred Quran as you know.
If you happen to know by heart the whole of the Sacred Quran you may, in at least 3 nights or most 4 nights of Tahajjud effectuate the complete reading of the Sacred Quran.
Otherwise, you may recite 3 Surah Ikhlas after your Fatiha in every Rak’aah and you will thus derive full benefits of the full recital of the Sacred Quran in every Rak’aah.
During the month of Ramadhan one should awake a little earlier for Sehri and make time to pray Tahajjud Salah for the reward is magnified so much more in Ramadhan and dua’s are even more readily accepted than at any other time of the year.
The dua's at the time of Tahajjud are very readily accepted by Almighty Allah and one should repent and ask of Allah and try to cry in their dua's at this time, if one cannot cry due to the hardness of one’s heart due to sin then at least one should make the face as if one is crying.
Just as a mother tends to her baby quickly and promptly when it cries the same way Allah attends to his servant quicker when they are crying.
Salaatul Tasbih With Method
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) had taught this Nafl prayer to his
Salaatul Tawbah (Prayer for Repentance for sin)
“In Paradise there is a castle reserved for those who read Tahajjud.” and the Prophet (peace be upon him) further adds,
“Those who pray at night will enter paradise without having to account for their acts in this life.”
The Nafl of Tahajjud are read after the Isha prayer, but it is important to sleep before performing Tahajjud. The prayer consists of a minimum of 2 Rak’aahs, and a maximum of 8 or 12 Rak’aahs (to be read according ones capacity).
After Isha prayer, sleep for some time, and then wake up any time during the night before the rise of morning for Tahajjud prayer.
With the performance of 2 Rak’aahs you have duly achieved your Tahajjud. However, the performance of 8 Rak’aahs is Sunnah. A recommendation is that you recite in your prayers as much of the Sacred Quran as you know.
If you happen to know by heart the whole of the Sacred Quran you may, in at least 3 nights or most 4 nights of Tahajjud effectuate the complete reading of the Sacred Quran.
Otherwise, you may recite 3 Surah Ikhlas after your Fatiha in every Rak’aah and you will thus derive full benefits of the full recital of the Sacred Quran in every Rak’aah.
During the month of Ramadhan one should awake a little earlier for Sehri and make time to pray Tahajjud Salah for the reward is magnified so much more in Ramadhan and dua’s are even more readily accepted than at any other time of the year.
The dua's at the time of Tahajjud are very readily accepted by Almighty Allah and one should repent and ask of Allah and try to cry in their dua's at this time, if one cannot cry due to the hardness of one’s heart due to sin then at least one should make the face as if one is crying.
Just as a mother tends to her baby quickly and promptly when it cries the same way Allah attends to his servant quicker when they are crying.
Salaatul Tasbih With Method
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) had taught this Nafl prayer to his
Uncle, Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) and told him,
“He who performs this prayer will have his past and future sins forgiven.”
The Prophet (peace be upon him) has recommended to read this prayer daily on each Friday or once a month or once a year, in case of this not being possible, to read it even once in one’s life.
This Nafl prayer provides limitless benefits both in the material and spiritual life.
‘Ikrimah reports from Ibn ‘Abbas that the Messenger of Allah said to ‘Abbas ibn ‘Abdal-Mutalib,
The Prophet (peace be upon him) has recommended to read this prayer daily on each Friday or once a month or once a year, in case of this not being possible, to read it even once in one’s life.
This Nafl prayer provides limitless benefits both in the material and spiritual life.
‘Ikrimah reports from Ibn ‘Abbas that the Messenger of Allah said to ‘Abbas ibn ‘Abdal-Mutalib,
“O ‘Abbas, O Uncle, shall I not give you, shall I not present to you, shall I not donate to you, shall I not tell you ten things which, if you do, Allah will forgive your first and last sins, past and present sins, intentional and unintentional sins, private and public sins?
The ten actions are, pray four rak’aah, reciting in every rak’aah Al-Fatihah and a surah. When you finish the Qur’anic recitation of the first rak’Aah, say, while standing,
The ten actions are, pray four rak’aah, reciting in every rak’aah Al-Fatihah and a surah. When you finish the Qur’anic recitation of the first rak’Aah, say, while standing,
"Subhaan Allahi Wal Hamdulillahi Wa Laa ilaha illal Laahu Wallahu Akbar"
(Glory be to Allah. All praise is due to Allah. There is no God except Allah. Allah is the greatest.) fifteen times.
Then make ruku’, and while you are in ruku’, say the same ten times. Then stand, and say the same ten times. Then go down and make sajdah, and while you’re in sajdah, say the same ten times.
Then make ruku’, and while you are in ruku’, say the same ten times. Then stand, and say the same ten times. Then go down and make sajdah, and while you’re in sajdah, say the same ten times.
Then sit after the sajdah, and say the same ten times. Then make sajdah, and say the same ten times. Then sit after the second sajdah, and say the same another ten times.
That is seventy-five (repetitions of the phrases) in each rak’aah. Do that in each of the four rak’aah. If you can pray it once a day, do so. If you cannot, then once every Friday.
If you cannot do that, then once a year. And if you cannot do that then once in your life.” (Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Ibn Khuzaimah in his sahih, and at-Tabarani)
About this hadith al-Mundhiri says; “This hadith has been related through many chains and from a number of companions. The best of them is this one from ‘Ikrimah.
A group of scholars have graded it to be sahih, including al-Hafez Abu Bakr al-’Ajari, (al-Mundhiri’s teachers), Abu Muhammad ‘Abdurrahim al-Misri, and Abu al-Hassan al-Maqdisi.”
Ibn al Mubarak says; “The tasbih prayer is a greatly desired act and it is desirable that one should punctually observe it and never neglect it."
Method of praying
Ibn al Mubarak says; “The tasbih prayer is a greatly desired act and it is desirable that one should punctually observe it and never neglect it."
Method of praying
Goal is to recite above Tasbih 300 times in Four Rak’aah with the following method.
In the first rak’aah, after reading Sana "Subhaana Kallahumma...", read the above tasbih 15 times.
Now recite Aaoz "Aoozubillah...", Bismillah "Bismillah...", Then read sura Al-Fatihah and a Surah or minimum of three small Ayayhs then read the tasbih 10 times again.
Go to ruku saying Takbeer (Allahu-akbar), after reciting "Subhaana Rabbiyal Azeem" minimum of three times read the tasbih 10 times in Ruku.
Saying "Samee Allahu Liman Hamidah Rabbana Lakal Hamdh" get up from ruku to qiyam position. Now read the tasbih 10 times.
Go to Sajdah saying Takbeer (Allahu-akbar) and after reciting "Subhaana Rabbiyal A'la" minimum of three times read the tasbih 10 times in Sajdah.
Now go after first Sajdah go to Jalsa (sitting position) saying Takbeer (Allahu-akbar). Sitting in Jalsa read tasbih 10 times.
Go to sajdah again saying Takbeer (Allahu-akbar) and after reciting "Subhaana Rabbiyal A'la" minimum of three times read the tasbih 10 times in Sajdah again.
Get up to begin 2nd rak’aah saying Takbeer (Allahu-akbar). Do rak’aah #2 in the same way, but before reading Bismillah "Bismillah...", and Surah Al-Fatihah, read the tasbih 15 times. Follow the rest as you did in first Rak’aah.
After second Sajdah of Second Rak’aah sit in Qaidah Oola (first sitting) read Attahiyat, Durood and Dua then get up for 3rd rakaat without saying Salam.
Begin third Rak’aah, just like the first Rak’aah, with Sana "Subhaana Kallahumma...", read the above tasbih 15 times.
Follow the rest as you did in first Rak’aah until you sit for last sitting (Qaidah Akihra) after second sajdah of fourth Rakah.
In Qaidah Akihra read Attahiyat, Durood, Dua and finish Salah with Salam.
Special notes
1) Do not count loudly. It will break Salah.
2) Do not count on fingers or by holding a Bead Tasbih in hand. It is Makruh.
3) You may count by pressing the fingers as a reminder.
For example if you are in Ruku. You may press pinky of your right hand first for the first count, then the finger next to it for second count, then the middle finger for third count, following this method untill you reach the pinky of left hand will give you an exact count of ten. Use the same method in Qayam, Sajdah and Jalsa.
4) If missed a count then make it up in the next posture.
For example if forgot to recite Tasbih after Surah in Qayam. Then you may recite Tasbish 20 times instead of 10 in Rukuh after "Subhaana Rabbiyal Azeem".
Missed Tasbih cannot be recited in Qayam after ruku and Jalsa between Sajdah. If you missed the Tasbih in Ruku then recite 20 in the first Sajdah instead of the Qayam after rukuh.
Similarly if missed the Tasbih in first Sajdah then do not make it up in Jalsa. Instead recite missed tasbih in the second Sajdah.
If Tasbih has been missed in last sajdah of second or fourth Rakah then you can recite the missed ones before Attahiyat in Qaidah.
5) If you miss a wajib in Salah and have to do Sajdah Sahw. You dont have to recite Tasbih in Sajdah sahw, since the 300 count has been estalished.
However if you had missed Tasbih in any of the postures and remember it now. Then you may recite the missed Tasbih in Sajdah Sahaw now.
6) It is preferable to recite after Surah Al-Fatihah Surah At-Takathur in the first rak’aah, Surah Al-’Asr in the second rak’aah, Surah Al-Kafirun in the third and Surah Al-Ikhlas in the fourth rak'aah.
If one does not remember such surah’s they can recite the ones they prefer.
Note: No fixed time has been prescribed for this prayer, a fact, which means that besides any time prohibited, this prayer, can be read at any time.
If one has done committed any sinful act which is contrary to the Shariah then one should perform 2 rak’aah of Nafl and humble themselves before Allah and
sincerely repent, feel ashamed for their sins and ask Allah for forgiveness and make a firm intention never to commit such act again in the future. By the Grace of Allah the sins would then be forgiven (Ref: Shami)
Ameerul Mumineen Hazrat Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said that whenever one has done a sinful act he should make wudu , perform 2 rak’aah Nafl and thereafter sincerely repent and seek Almighty's forgiveness.
Allah pardons all sins. After relating this, the Prophet (peace be upon him) then read the following from the Quran,
"And those who have done something to be ashamed of or wronged their own souls. Earnestly bring Allah to mind and ask for forgiveness of their sins, and who can forgive sins except Allah" (Surah 3-135).
Salatul Awwabeen - Prayer of the oft-Repentant
"Whoever performs 6 Rak’aahs after Maghrib Salah will earn the reward of 12 years of Nafl Ibaadah." (Tirmidhi)
The beloved Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) had taught this to a blind person who, as soon as he performed it, regained his eyesight. (Tirmidhi)
To perform this prayer it is recommended to wear one’s best and clean clothes and to perform pleasingly one’s ablution (Wudu). Then 2 Rak’aah Nafl is read in the usual way, after salaam this dua is read,
"Allahuma Inni As-aloka wa (Atawassalo) Wa Atawajjaaho ilaika be nabbiyeka Muhammadin nabi yir Rahmate ya Rasullulah.
Inni tawajjahto be ka ila Rabbi fi hajaati haa-zehi (here we make our requests (le tuqza li) Allahumma fashaffiho fiya"
Translation: "O Allah I implore You and I come near You through the intermediary of Your Prophet (Nabee) Muhammad (peace be upon him) who is the Prophet of Grace.
Ya Rasullullah, through your intercession I implore Allah to accept my request. O Allah grant the intercession of your Prophet (peace be upon him) in my favor."
Tahiyatul Wudu – Nafl (optional) prayer after doing Wudhu (ablution)

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that once the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) asked Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) at Fajr prayer,
“O Bilal! Tell me that deed of yours which is most hopeful (for reward) after embracing Islam, for I heard your footsteps in front of me in Paradise (in my dream).”
Tahiyatul Wudu should not be performed during the Makruh (Improper) times. (When the sun rises, when it is at Zenith and when it sets).
After the Fardh and Sunnah of Maghrib, performance of the minimum of 6 to a maximum of 20 rak’aahs is called Salatul Awwabeen.
1. Awwabeen is the six Rak’aahs of Salah after the Maghrib Salah and is established from the Ahadith.
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned,
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned,
"Whoever performs 6 Rak’aahs after Maghrib Salah will earn the reward of 12 years of Nafl Ibaadah." (Tirmidhi)
2. According to the soundest opinion, the Salatul Awwabeen (prayer of the oft-repentant) is 6 rak’aahs, prayed after the Maghrib prayer in sets of two.
It is best to do this after the 2 confirmed sunnah rak’aahs, though it is also valid to consider those 2 rak’aahs from the 6.
Salatul Hajaat - When wanting help from Allah
In case of difficulty, illness or of authorized necessity this prayer is read.
The beloved Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) had taught this to a blind person who, as soon as he performed it, regained his eyesight. (Tirmidhi)
To perform this prayer it is recommended to wear one’s best and clean clothes and to perform pleasingly one’s ablution (Wudu). Then 2 Rak’aah Nafl is read in the usual way, after salaam this dua is read,
"Allahuma Inni As-aloka wa (Atawassalo) Wa Atawajjaaho ilaika be nabbiyeka Muhammadin nabi yir Rahmate ya Rasullulah.
Inni tawajjahto be ka ila Rabbi fi hajaati haa-zehi (here we make our requests (le tuqza li) Allahumma fashaffiho fiya"
Translation: "O Allah I implore You and I come near You through the intermediary of Your Prophet (Nabee) Muhammad (peace be upon him) who is the Prophet of Grace.
Ya Rasullullah, through your intercession I implore Allah to accept my request. O Allah grant the intercession of your Prophet (peace be upon him) in my favor."
Tahiyatul Wudu – Nafl (optional) prayer after doing Wudhu (ablution)

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that once the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) asked Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) at Fajr prayer,
“O Bilal! Tell me that deed of yours which is most hopeful (for reward) after embracing Islam, for I heard your footsteps in front of me in Paradise (in my dream).”
Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) replied,
“I have not done anything extraordinary except that whenever I perform Wudu during the day or night, I offer Salah (Tahiyatul-Wudu) after that, as much as was written or granted for me.” (Bukhari)
Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said to Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him),
“Tell me about the most hopeful act (i.e one which you deem the most rewarding with Allah) you have done since your acceptance of Islam because I heard the sound of the steps of your shoes in front of me in paradise."
Bilal said,
“I do not consider any act more hopeful than that whenever I make ablution at any time of night or day, I offer salah (prayer) for as long as was destined for me to offer.” (Bukhari & Muslim).
Tahiyatul Wudu should not be performed during the Makruh (Improper) times. (When the sun rises, when it is at Zenith and when it sets).
Tahiyyatul Masjid (Nafl prayer when entering Masjid)
Abu Qatada (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said,
Four Rak'aah Sunnah of Zuhr - Virtues
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) is reported to have said that after the worshiper prays the four rak’aahs of Zuhr Salah, the doors of heaven are opened,
i.e. the Salah becomes accepted by Allah, and the cause of its acceptance comes down on the worshiper as rays of mercy. (Mishkat, p. 104)
Four Rak'aah Sunnah of Asr - Virtues
Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said,
"May Allah have Mercy on the one who offers four (rak'aahs) before 'Asr prayer." (Abu Dawud)

“If any one of you enters a mosque, he should pray two rak’aahs before sitting.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
This is a 2 Rak'aah Nafl prayer which one should perform as one enters the Masjid, which is very rewarding.
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) is reported to have said that after the worshiper prays the four rak’aahs of Zuhr Salah, the doors of heaven are opened,
i.e. the Salah becomes accepted by Allah, and the cause of its acceptance comes down on the worshiper as rays of mercy. (Mishkat, p. 104)
Four Rak'aah Sunnah of Asr - Virtues
Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said,
"May Allah have Mercy on the one who offers four (rak'aahs) before 'Asr prayer." (Abu Dawud)
Discover the virtues of offering your prayers in a masjid by exploring Praying in Masjid Virtues
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