"Anyone who purifies himself in his house and then goes to one of the houses of Allah to fulfil one of the obligations of Allah, one step removes an error and the other raises him a degree." (Muslim)
May Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) give us the ability to do so, Aameen.
Discover the rewards associated with walking to the Masjid for Prayer. The value of walking to the masjid is beautifully illustrated in Walking to the Masjid, a practice rooted in Islamic Facts.
Walking to the masjid for prayers is an act filled with spiritual benefits and rewards. To understand why Salah (prayer) is central to a Muslim's life, read our post on What is Salah (Prayer).
Praying in a mosque further amplifies the rewards of Salah. Find out more about the virtues of praying in a masjid and why it is encouraged.
For those interested in additional prayers that can be performed throughout the day, explore our post on the Duha prayer, a special prayer performed after sunrise.
Walking to the masjid is highly virtuous and filled with blessings. Learn about the virtues of praying in a masjid and how it enhances spirituality.
This act of walking is also a means to avoid spiritual illnesses by focusing on worship and devotion. Reflect on the wise words that encourage striving towards goodness, even in small steps.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing such a beautiful and thought provoking hadith
Asalamu alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu,
ReplyDelete@Chahrazad - JazakAllah khair.
@Usama Rehman - Your welcome.