The Prophet (peace be upon him) asked Abu Al-Mundhir one day,
"Which is the greatest verse in the Holy Qur'aan?"
He answered, "Allah and His Prophet know best."
The Prophet (peace be upon him) then repeated his question,
"which is the greatest verse in the Holy Qur'aan, Abu Al Mundhir?"
Ubaiy finally answered,
"Allah! None has the right to be worshiped but He, the Ever-Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists." (2: 255)
The Prophet's face brightened with joy as he patted Abu Al Mundhir on the back and said,
"I congratulate you for having such knowledge and insight, Abu Al-Mundhir."
Abu Al-Mundhir whom the Prophet (peace be upon him) congratulated for the insight that Allah had bestowed on him is Ubaiy Ibn Ka'b, the great Companion.
He was one of the Ansaar, the citizens of Al Madiinah who helped and aided the Muhaajiruun. He belonged to Al-Khazraj tribe. He witnessed the Pledge of Al- Aqabah, the Battle of Badr, and the rest of the great events.
He held a highly distinguished position among those who were the first to commit themselves to Islam. The Commander of the Faithful `Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) said,
"Ubaiy is the master of the Muslims."
Ubaiy Ibn Ka'b was one of the first Muslim scribes who wrote down the revelation that descended on the Prophet (peace be upon him) as well as messages.
He was a pioneer in learning the Holy Qur'aan by heart, reciting it
in a slow, pleasant tone and comprehending its content.
One day, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said to Ubaiy lbn Ka'b,
"I was ordered to recite the Qur'aan to you."
Ubaiy knew that the Prophet (peace be upon him) took his orders from the Spirit, therefore, he was overwhelmed with thrill and asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) anxiously,
"You are dearer to me than my own mother and father! Please tell me, did the Spirit mention me by name?"
The Prophet (peace be upon him) answered,
"Yes, it resounded your very name and your family name in the kingdom of
heaven and earth."
Now, a Muslim who was so close to the Prophet (peace be upon him) must indeed be a special one.
Throughout the years in which Ubaiy Ibn Ka`b accompanied the Prophet (peace be upon him), he tried to stay close to him so as to quench his thirst for Islam from the Prophet's inexhaustible spring.
Ubaiy Ibn Ka'b adhered tenaciously to his covenant in worship, piety, and conduct.

He used to address his companions in such impressive words saying,
"We stood as one man when the Prophet was alive, but as soon as he departed we went in different directions."
He was steadfast in his adherence to piety. He resorted to asceticism to escape life's seduction and delusion.
He saw that life really begins when it ends and that no matter how long a man lives in luxury surrounded by graces and blessings, he will end up empty handed but for his good deeds and bad deeds.
Ubaiy contemplated about life and said,
"Man's food is a good example of what life is all about, for no matter how much you are careful that it tastes delicious and that its ingredients are well proportioned, look what it turns to after you digest it."
Whenever Ubaiy addressed people, he was like a magnet that attracted their attention and interest.
He feared no one but Allah and desired nothing of life. When Islam gained more lands and influence and he saw that Muslims flattered their rulers, he warned saying,
"They are ruined and will ruin others. I don't pity them, but I pity the Muslims that they will ruin."
His extreme piety and fear of Allah made him cry whenever Allah or the Day of Judgment was mentioned. The noble Qur'aan's verses shook his heart and soul whenever he recited them or heard them recited.
Yet a certain verse made him incredibly sad:
"He has the power to send torment on you from above or from under your feet, or to cover you with confusion in party strife, and make you to taste the
violence of one another" (6:65).
The thing that Ubaiy most dreaded was that one day the Islamic nation would suffer turmoil and violence at the hands of its own sons.
He always asked Allah's safety and protection. He won it by Allah's mercy and grace and met Allah as a true believer who felt completely secure and rewarded.
Rejoicing with knowledge helps deepen our faith and understanding of Islam.
Rejoicing with knowledge strengthens one's faith and understanding. For more insight, learn about the meaning of Iman (faith) and how it shapes a believer’s actions.
Knowledge also involves being aware of spiritual dangers, such as spiritual illnesses, that can hinder one's faith journey.
Explore the wisdom of faith that encourages both learning and spiritual growth.
very informative post!
ReplyDeleteJazak Allah
ReplyDeletewe Muslims should try to mould our lives as per the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad(SAW) just like his companions did; only then we would be able to salvage ourselves from the torments at the hands of our own Muslim folk just what Ubaiy(RA) dreaded and of the torments of the Akhira!
Interesting post - thanks for sharing. I learn new things everytime I come to your blog!
ReplyDeleteAsalamu alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu,
ReplyDelete@bint Windradyne - JazakAllah khair for your wise words, thank you.
@TariqMian - BarakAllah feek.
@Usama Rehman - Peace be upon him. BarakAllah feek for your kinds words.
@Karima - Your welcome, happy you learn new things here :)
Subhanallah!!! What great honour it is to be mention in the Kingdom of Heaven..masha Allah. Hurts so much how ignorant of Islam we are these days. May Allah bring us all back from darkness to light insha Allah. Indeed this story is very inspirational.
ReplyDeleteJazakallahu khairan katheeran for sharing akhi
@Bint_Salih - JazakAllah khair for your wise words masha'Allah, Aameen. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteÝĎÇß father and my mother and my blood Messenger of God and God will not only be a mercy for ĺÇĐÇ world are you experiencing when you lower your mercy Aabulsm to our hearts O Messenger of God love you more than Onevsina what to say about you fail all my words will not Osttia say, but as God said { وَإِنَّكَ لَعَلى خُلُقٍ عَظِيمٍ } and you are creating a great