A continuous stream of incoming news worried the Commander
of the Faithful `Umar lbn Al-khattab.
Therefore, he decided to personally lead the Muslim troops in a decisive fight against Persia.
In fact,
he set out accompanied by some of his companions, leaving `Aliy lbn Abi Taalib (May Allah be
pleased with him) behind to act as his deputy over Al-Madiinah.
However, he had hardly left Al-Madiinah when some of his
companions found it wiser to ask him to return and appoint someone else for this task.
This view was adopted by `Abd Ar-Rahman Ibn `Awf, who saw it
unwise to risk the caliph's life in such a way while Islam was going through its most decisive
`Umar ordered the Muslims to gather for public consultation. Congregational prayer was then announced and `Aliy Ibn Abi Taalib was sent for.
He went with some Madinites to where `Umar and his companions were waiting. At last, they accepted `Abd Ar-Rahman lbn `Awfs opinion.
`Umar ordered the Muslims to gather for public consultation. Congregational prayer was then announced and `Aliy Ibn Abi Taalib was sent for.
He went with some Madinites to where `Umar and his companions were waiting. At last, they accepted `Abd Ar-Rahman lbn `Awfs opinion.
The assembly decided that `Umar was to go back to Al-Madiinah and another
Muslim leader be chosen to combat the Persians.
`Umar agreed to their decision, then asked his companions,
"Whom do you see fit to be sent to Iraq?"
They thought silently for a while. Then `Abd Ar-Rahman Ibn
`Awf shouted,
"I've found him!"
`Umar said,
"Who is it?"
Abd Ar-Rahman said,
"The Lion's
Claws: Sa'd Ibn Maalik Az-Zuhariy."
The Muslims supported his choice. `Umar then sent for Sa'd
Ibn Maalik Az-Zuhariy, also known as Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqqaas and appointed him governor of Iraq and
Commander of the Army.
Who is that "Lion's Claws"?
It is he who, whenever
he turned to the Prophet while sitting among his Companions, was greeted cheerfully by the Prophet saying,
"He's my maternal uncle."
Can anyone tell me who his uncle was? He was Sa'd Ibn Abi
Waqqaas His grandfather was Uhaib Ibn Manaaf, the paternal uncle of Aaminah, the mother of the
Prophet (peace be upon him).
He accepted Islam when he was 17 years old. He embraced Islam very early. When he
talked about himself, he said,
"I witnessed a day in which I was third in Islam," which means that he was
the third to embrace Islam.
When the Prophet (peace be upon him) spoke about the One God and about
the new religion whose teachings he was to spread all around, and before using Daar Al-Arqam as
a refuge for himself and the Companions in those early days, Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqqaas had already sworn the
oath of allegiance to the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Historical and biographica l sources inform us that the
conversion of Abu Bakr was the reason for Sa'd's embracing Islam.
He may have been one of those who
announced their belief in Islam after Abu Bakr convinced them.
This group included Uthmaan lbn `Afaan,
Az-Zubair Ibn Al-'Awaam, Abd Ar- Rahman Ibn `Awf and Allah Ibn Ubaid Allah.
However, that does not omit
the possibility that his conversion had taken
place secretly and he had believed even earlier.
Sa'd lbn Abi Waqqaas had many noble qualities which he could
be proud of. However, he never arrogantly mentioned any of these merits, except for two
great privileges.
First, he was the first to throw a spear in the cause of Allah and the first to be struck by
one. Second, he was the only one for whom the Prophet (peace be upon him) hoped his parents might be his ransom.
happened when the Prophet (peace be upon him) said to him on the day of Uhud,
"Throw, Sa'd. May my father and
mother be your ransom."
Yes, indeed, he always mentioned proudly these two noble blessings. Thanking Allah,
he always said,
"By Allah, I am the first Arab to throw a spear in the cause of Allah."
Aliy lbn Abi Taalib said,
"I have never heard the
Prophet (peace be upon him) hoping that his parents may be made someone's ransom except Sa'd. On the day of Uhud I heard the
Prophet (peace be upon him) say,
"Throw Sa'd. May my father and mother be your ransom.""
Sa'd was considered to be one of the most courageous Arab
and Muslim horsemen. He possessed two weapons, his lance and his prayer.
Whenever he pierced an
enemy with his lance he hurt him; whenever he invoked Allah He answered. He and the Companions always
saw that this was due to the Prophet's prayer in favor of him.
One day, when the Prophet saw him
doing something which made him glad and delighted, he made the following plea:
"O Allah, make
his spear hit unerringly and answer his prayer."
It was in this way that he became famous among his
companions for his prayer, which was like a sharp sword.
He knew that about himself; therefore, he never
cursed a person. Sa'd would just trust Allah to do with him as He liked.
An example of that is what `Aamir Ibn Sa'd once narrated:
Sa'd once saw a man insulting `Aliy, Talhah and Az-Zubair. He forbade him, but he didn't stop.
Sa'd then said,
"Then I will invoke Allah against you."
The man said,
"You're threatening me as if
you were a Prophet."
Sa'd went away, performed his ablution and prayed two
rak'ahs. Then he lifted his hands up and said,
"O Allah, if You know that that man has insulted people
who have already been granted by You that which is the best and his cursing of them has annoyed You, then
make an example out of him."
Only a short while had passed, when a stray camel went out of a house. Nothing
could stay it till it entered a crowd as if searching for something.
Then it attacked the man, and he
fell between its legs. It continued to kick the man down till he died.
If this phenomenon was to prove something, then it proved
primarily the purity of his soul, the honesty of his faith, and the depth of his sincerity.
always sought to support his piety by halaal food; with great insistence he always refused to take doubtful
Sa'd lived until he became one of the wealthiest Muslims.
When he died, he left a great fortune behind.
Although the abundance of money and its legitimacy
are rarely to be found together, they certainly were combined in the hands of Sa'd.
Thus Allah
granted him a great amount of halaal money. He (may Allah be pleased with him) was a great figure in the
act of charity, as much as he was a great figure in the act of righteously choosing the sources
of his money.
His ability to collect purely halaal money was equal to, if not second to, his ability to donate
it in the cause of Allah.
He became ill during the Farewell Pilgrimage, when he was
accompanying the Prophet (peace be upon him), who visited him.
Sa`d asked him (peace be upon him),
"O Messenger of
Allah, I own a lot of money and there is nobody to inherit from me except one daughter. May I contribute two
thirds of my money as alms?"
Then he said, "Then half
of it?"
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "No."
Then he said, "Then
a third?"
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said,
"Yes, and the
third is too much. To leave your heirs wealthy is better than to leave them having to be dependent on someone.
If you
spend any money in the cause of Allah you'll be rewarded for it, even the bite you put in your
wife's mouth."
Sa'd did not remain the father of one daughter because he
was later on blessed with other children. Sa'd used to cry a lot out of piety.
Whenever he listened to
the Prophet (peace be upon him) preaching or advising, his tears rolled down abundantly, so that his tears nearly
filled his lap.
He was blessed with success and accomplishment. Once the
Prophet (peace be upon him) was sitting with the Companions when his eyes gazed on the horizon while
listening to what was being revealed secretly and whisperingly.
Then he looked at his Companions' faces and
"A man who belongs to Paradise will soon appear."
The Companions turned in all directions trying
to learn, who this successful person may be. After a while, Sa'd arrived.
Later on, Abd Allah Ibn Amr Ibn Al-'Aas asked him
persistently to tell him the worship or deed which made him eligible for such a reward.
Sa'd told him,
"Nothing more than what we all do or worship, except that I don't carry any spite or hatred towards any
This is the "Lion's Claws" as `Abd Ar-Rahman Ibn
Awf had described him. This is the man whom `Umar chose for the great day of the Battle of Al- Qaadisiyah.
The Commander of the Faithful had insight into all his
glittering merits when he chose him for the most difficult task confronting Islam and the Muslims:
- His prayers were heard and answered; if he asked Allah for
victory, he would be granted it.
- His food was pure, his tongue was pure, his conscience was
- He was a man who belonged to Paradise, as the Messenger
(peace be upon him) prophesied.
- He was the horseman on the Day of Badr, the horseman on
the Day of Uhud and in every battle he experienced with the Prophet (peace be upon him).
- And another thing, which `Umar would not forget nor
underestimate the value and importance among the characteristics which should be present in anyone
facing major tasks, was the strength and firmness of his faith.
-`Umar did not forget what happened between Sa'd and his
mother when he converted to Islam and followed the Prophet (peace be upon him).
At that time, all attempts to
hinder and obstruct him from the cause of Allah had failed. His mother used a device which none
doubted would conquer Sa'd's soul and drive him back to his people's idols.
She announced her abstention
from food and drink until Sa'd returned to his
ancestors' and kin's religion. She actually carried on her
hunger strike with death defying determination and had almost approached death.
Despite all that, Sa'd did not care. He would not sell his
faith and religion for anything, even if it were his mother's life.
that his heart would yield
upon seeing her, some relatives took Sa'd to his mother, who was almost
dying. Sa'd went to her. The scene was so impressive, even mountain
rocks would yield and melt.
However, his belief in Allah and His Messenger proved to be stronger
than rocks and iron. He came with his face nearer and shouted so that she could hear him.
know, by Allah, mother, if you had 100 souls coming out one after the other I wouldn't abandon my faith in
return for anything. Then eat if you like or don't eat!"
His mother changed her mind. A divine revelation greeted
Sa`d's position and supported it.
"But if they (both) strive with you to make you join in worship with
Me others that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not..." (31 : 15).
Is he not, indeed, the Lion in his claws? Therefore the
Commander of the Faithful should hand him the standard of Al Qaadisiyah and throw him against the
Persians, who recruited more than 100,000 trained warriors equipped with the most dangerous weapons
the earth had ever witnessed, led on that day
by the most intelligent and cunning warlords.
Indeed, all those horrible legions, will Sa'd meet with his
mere 30,000 warriors, equipped only with spears, nothing more. However, their hearts were filled with
the will of the new faith with all it represents:
belief, vigor, and a rare, dazzling, longing
aspiration for death and martyrdom.
The two armies met in combat. No, they did not meet yet.
Sa'd is still there waiting for the advice and instructions of the Commander of the Faithful. Finally
`Umar's message arrives, ordering him to move towards Al-Qaadisiyah, the gate to Persia.
`Umar's words
represented light and guidance:
O Sa'd lbn Wahiib, do not be deluded if it is said, You are the
Prophet's uncle and his Companion. Know that there is no relationship between Allah and anyone except through
obedience to Him.
All people, the noble ones as well as the lowly, all are equal in front of Allah. Allah is
their God and they are His servants.
The relationship between them is one of rivalry for preference
by means of their well being, whereas they can only get what is in Allah's hands by means of obedience to
Remember the Prophet's (peace be upon him) positions which he stuck to from the time he was sent to us until he
left our world. Hold to them; it is an order.
Then he said to him, Send me information about all your
circumstances. Where have you reached and how?
What is your enemy's position in respect to yours? Let
your messages make me as if I am actually seeing you.
Sa'd wrote to the Commander of the Faithful describing
everything. He almost showed him each soldier's position and state. Sa'd reached Al-Qaadissiyah.
The Persians gathered their army as they never had before and appointed as their leader one of the most
famous and dangerous commanders, Rustum.
Sa'd writes to Umar the Commander of the Faithful, who
replies: Don't be upset by what you hear from them, nor what they show you.
Seek Allah's help and put
your trust in Him. Send them people of insight, good judgment, and patience to call him to follow
Allah's path, and write me every day.
Sa'd writes again to the Commander of the Faithful saying,
Rustum camped with his troops at Saabaat. He has brought his horses and elephants and marched
towards us. Umar replies to calm him.
Sa'd is a smart, brave horseman, the Prophet's uncle, one of the first converts, and hero of different wars and raids.
Sa'd is a smart, brave horseman, the Prophet's uncle, one of the first converts, and hero of different wars and raids.
No sword or lance of his ever failed to
reach its target. He stands at the head of his army in one of the greatest historical battles as if he were an
ordinary soldier, not deluded by power nor acting arrogantly because of leadership.
His self-esteem could
tempt him to rely completely on his own capacities; but despite that he always turns to the
Commander of the Faithful in Al-Madiinah.
Although miles and miles separate them, he sends him a message each
day, exchanging viewpoints, advice, and opinions while the great battle is still to come.
That was because Sa'd knew that `Umar in Al-Madiinah never
decided alone, but consulted the Muslims and the Prophet's Companions around him.

Despite the
war circumstances, Sa'd did not want to deprive himself or his army of the blessings and benefits of
public consultation, especially if `Umar, a man with great inspiration, was among the consultants.
Sa'd carried out `Umar's will and sent Rustum, the Persian leader, a number of his companions to call him to follow Islam and Allah's path.
Sa'd carried out `Umar's will and sent Rustum, the Persian leader, a number of his companions to call him to follow Islam and Allah's path.
The conversation between them and the Persian leader lasted
long. Finally they ended their talk by telling him,
"Allah has chosen us to turn whom He
chooses of His creatures from paganism to monotheism, from the narrowness of life to its freedom, from ruler's
injustice to Islam's fairness.
Whoever accepts our offer, we will leave him alone and will refrain from hurting
him. Whoever fights us, we will fight him until we fulfil Allan's promise."
Then Rustum asked,
"What is Allah's promise which He
made to you?"
The Companion answered,
"Paradise for our martyrs and
victory for the living ones."
The delegation returned to Sa'd, leader of the Muslims, to
tell him that it was war. Sa'd's eyes were hereby filled with tears.
He had wished so much that the war
would be delayed for some time. On that
day his illness became more severe, and he had to suffer its
heavy burden.
The abscesses spread all over his body, to the extent that he could not sit, let alone
ride his horse to take part in an extremely fierce and violent battle.
If the war had just been waged before his illness or had it
been delayed till he was cured and healthy again, then he would have proved himself brave.
But now. . .
No, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) had taught them never to say "If" because "If'
means weakness. A strong believer is neither helpless nor weak.
Thereupon The Lion's Claws stood up to preach to his
soldiers. He began his speech citing the following glorious verse:
"And We have written in the Zaboor
(given to David) after the Torahe (given to Moses): "My righteous servants shall inherit the earth"" (21: 105).
Having finished his speech Sa'd led his troops in the Dhuhr
Prayer, then turned towards his soldiers and proclaimed four times,
"Allahu akbar (Allah is the
Greatest)! Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar!"
The echo was to be heard all over the universe. Then he
stretched out his arm like an unerring arrow pointing to the enemy and shouted to his soldiers,
"Let's start this battle accompanied by Allah's blessings."
With pains hard to bear, he ascended to the balcony of his
residence, which he used as a dwelling and a headquarters. On the balcony he sat on a pillow and leaned upon his chest.
His door was left open, which meant that by the least Persian attack against his residence he
would be captured, alive or dead, but he was far from being afraid or terrified.
His abscesses were bleeding and hurting him severely, but he
had something else to think about. Sitting on his balcony, he was shouting, calling, and
First to those in one flank to step forward towards the right, and then to those in another
flank to fill out the empty spot on the left. . .
Mughiirah, look forward! Jurair follow them! Nu'maan, hit!
Ash`ath attack and you also, Qa'qaa'. Forward, forward, Prophet's Companions!
His determined and hopeful sound turned each individual
soldier into an army of its own. The Persian soldiers fell like flies and with them fell the worship of
fire and paganism.
After seeing the death of their commander and their best soldiers, the defeated, scattered
remnants rapidly escaped.
The Muslim army pursued them until they reached Nahawind
then Al-Madaa'in. There they fought to carry with them at the end the emperor's throne and crown as war
At the Battle of Al-Madaa'in, Sa'd could stand the test and
prove himself brave. The Battle of Al- Madaa'in took place two years after the Battle of
Al-Qaadissiyah, a period during which a lot of continuous armed dashes took place between the Muslims and
the Persians.
Finally, the scattered remnants of the Persian army gathered at Al-Madaa'in itself,
ready for a decisive and final scene.
Sa'd realized that time was on his enemy's side; therefore, he decided to deprive them of this advantage, but how could he do that?
Sa'd realized that time was on his enemy's side; therefore, he decided to deprive them of this advantage, but how could he do that?
The Tigris River in its
flood season stood in the middle between him and Al-Madaa'in. Thereby, an event took place by which Sa'd succeeded to
prove that he indeed deserved `Abd Ar-Rahman lbn `Awfs description of him as the Lion's Claws.
Sa'd's faith and determination stood glittering in the face of danger, mocking and making fun of the impossible
with admirable bravery.
Sa`d ordered his army to cross the Tigris River. He ordered
them to search for a safe, secure ford in the river which would enable their crossing. Finally they
found a place, but the fording was not free of extreme risks.
Before the army started to cross, the leader Sa'd wisely realized the necessity to safeguard their arrival spot on the opposite bank, where the enemy was camping.
Before the army started to cross, the leader Sa'd wisely realized the necessity to safeguard their arrival spot on the opposite bank, where the enemy was camping.
Therefore he prepared two detachments, the first of which was called The Detachment of
Terror. Its leader was `Aasim Ibn `Amr.
The second was called The Detachment of the Dumb, led by Al
Qa'qaa' lbn `Amr. The soldiers of these two detachments had to encounter many
horrible situations to clear a safe place on the opposite bank for the army which wo uld
subsequently cross.
They fulfilled their task with amazing skill. Sa'd's success on that day will always be a
cause for the perplexity of historians.
Sa'd himself was amazed by his own success. It also amazed
his companion and escort Salmaan Al-Faarisiy, who shook his head in astonishment and said,
" Islam is indeed new. By Allah, seas have been subdued by them and the land has been subdued by them. In
the name of the One in Whose hands Salmaan's soul lies, they will leave it in a group, as they
entered it in a group."
Indeed, that is exactly what happened. As they penetrated the Tigris River in a group, so they left it in a group without losing one single soldier, nor annoying a single horse.
It happened that a wooden cup fell from one of the warriors,
who felt sorry to be the only one to lose something. He called his companions to help to get it
out and a high wave pushed it to where someone could pick it up!
Some historical sources described the magnificence of such a
scene as the fording of the river:
Sa'd ordered the Muslims to say,
"Allah is enough for us and
He is the best to trust in."
Then he penetrated the Tigris with his horse, and the people penetrated behind him.
No one stayed behind. They walked as if they were walking on a land surface until they filled the whole
area between the two banks.
The water surface could not seen due to the numerous troops of cavalry and
infantry. People went on talking while walking in the water as if they were on land, as a result of their
feeling of security and tranquility, their trust in
Allah's judgment and His victory, His promise and His
When Umar appointed him to be Iraq's governor, he set out to
build Kufa and established the foundations of Islam in wide broad lands.
One day the inhabitants of Kufa complained to the Commander
of the Faithful about Sa'd. They lost control over their flimsy, restless temper and made a funny
claim saying,
"Sa'd can't pray well."
Sa`d laughed loudly and said,
"By Allah, I prayed with them
exactly as the Prophet's prayer was. I prolonged the first two rak`ahs and shortened the last two."
When `Umar ordered him back to Al-Madiinah, he did not get
annoyed. On the contrary, he responded to `Umar's call immediately.
After some time,
`Umar determined to return him to Kufa, but Sa'd responded laughing,
"Do You order me to return to
people who claim that I don't perform my prayers well?"
He preferred to stay in Al-Madiinah. When the Commander of the Faithful `Umar (May Allah be
pleased with him) was attacked, he chose six of the Prophet's Companions to be responsible for
choosing the next caliph.
`Umar said that he chose six of those with whom the Prophet was pleased before he
died. Sa'd lbn Abi Waqqaas was one of them.
But it seems from `Umar's last words that if he would have
chosen one of the Companions for the caliphate, it would have been Sa'd.
He said to his
companions, advising and commending,
"If Sa'd is to become caliph, that's good; but if someone else is to be
caliph, then he has to seek Sa'd's help."
Sa'd lived long. He secluded himself during the period of
civil strife following the death of the third Caliph, `Uthmaan. Furthermore, he ordered his whole family
and children not to tell him any news about what was happening.
Once, everyone was anxious to know his position, when his
nephew Haashim Ibn `Utbah lbn Abi Waqqaas said to him,
"O uncle, here are 100,000 swords
which consider you the more entitled to that matter (i.e. the caliphate)."
Sa'd responded,
want out of the 100,000 swords, just one sword that if it hits a believer it won't do anything, but if it hits a
disbeliever it cuts through."
His nephew realized what he meant and left him in his
isolation and security.
When the dispute ended in favor of Mu'aawiyah, who took over
the reins of government, he asked Sa'd,
"Why didn't you fight with us?"
He answered,
"A dark cloud passed over me. I told it, Shoo! Shoo! I stopped my riding camel until it passed away."
Mu'aawiyah said,
"Shoo! Shoo can not be found in the glorious Book of Allah, but Allah said
"And if two
parties or groups among the believers fall into fighting,
then make peace between them both, but if one of them rebels
against the other, then fight you (all) against the one that which rebels till it complies with the
Command of Allah" (49 : 9).
And you did not take anyone's side. You weren't with the unjust against the
just, nor were you with the just against the unjust."
Hereupon Sa'd responded,
"I wouldn't have
fought a man (he meant `Aliy Ibn Abi Taalib) to whom
the Prophet (peace be upon him) said,
"You have towards me the same
position Haaruun (Aaron) had towards Muusaa (Moses), except that there isn't any Prophet coming after
One day in A.H. 54, having exceeded the age of 80, he was at
his house in Al-`Aqiiq preparing to meet Allah.
His son spoke of his final moments:
His head was upon my
lap, he was passing away. I cried, but he said,
"What makes You cry, my son? Allah will never
torture me. I belong to Paradise!"
The firmness of his faith could not be weakened even by the
quaking fear of death. The Prophet (peace be upon him) had passed him the good news and he believed firmly
in the Prophet's honesty; therefore what was
there to be afraid of?
"Allah will never torture me. I
belong to Paradise!"
However, he wanted to meet Allah carrying the most
magnificent and most wonderful memory, a memory which joined him with his religion and his Prophet
(peace be upon him).
Therefore, he pointed to his coffer. They opened it and got out an old, torn, threadbare gown. He
ordered his kin to shroud him in that gown saying,
"I met the disbelievers at the Battle of Badr
wearing it. I've saved it for this day."
Indeed, this threadbare gown was not just a gown. It was the
banner waving over a long great life. Our hero lived it honestly, bravely, and faithfully.
The body of the last Muhaajiruun was buried in Al- Madiinah,
safely laid beside a group of great Companions who preceded him to Allah.
Their exhausted bodies
had finally found a secure shelter in the ground of Al-Baqii`. Farewell, Sa'd. Farewell Sa'd, the hero of Al-Qaadissiyah,
conquerer of Al-Madaa'in, extinguisher forever of the worshipped fire of Persia!
The story of the lion’s claws teaches us about the strength of faith in overcoming adversity.
Stories of courage and faith, such as the Lion's Claws, inspire us to live with conviction. To strengthen your understanding, explore the meaning of Iman (faith).
Reflecting on such stories reminds us of the belief in Aakhirah (Hereafter) and how actions in this world affect the next.
For more inspiring lessons, read the wise words shared by the Prophet's companions and scholars.
i dare..^^.. so breath taking... but d value is there..
ReplyDeleteJazakallah khair for sharing .. =)
ReplyDeleteStay blessed for sharing such valuable and awakening pieces of information.
Asalamu alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu,
ReplyDelete@Bee - JazakAllah khair for sharing your words.
@Nur Farhana - BarakAllah feek :)
@Bubble*_* - JazakAllah khair for your pleasent words, alhamdulillah. Your comments keep me going inshAllah.