"Seek out Sa'ad bin Rabi' Ansaari, and when you find him, convey my salaam to him. Tell him that the Rasool of Allaah (Most Exalted Most High) asks how he finds himself?"
Hadhrat Zaid (may Allaah be pleased with him) says that he sought out Hadhrat Sa'd (may Allaah be pleased with him).

"May peace be on Nabi (peace be upon him) and you also. Please give this message to Nabi (peace be upon him),
'O Rasool of Allaah (Most Exlated Most High)! I am at this moment sniffing the scent of Jannat.'
You must also convey this message to the Ansaar that if any difficulty afflicts the Rasool of Allaah (Most Exalted Most High), and any of them sees this, that is, they are alive, then they must realise that they will have no excuse by Allaah (Most Exalted Most High)."
Saying these words, he passed away.
To Him we belong and to Him we shall return
It has been reported in another narration that Hadhrat Sa'ad (may Allaah be pleased with him) said,
"Convey my salaams to the Rasool of Allaah (Most Exalted Most High) and tell him that may Allaah Ta'ala bestow him goodness from me and the entire Ummat. He had shown us all the Path of Haqq (Truth)."
When the message of Hadhrat Sa'ad (may Allaah be pleased with him) was conveyed to Nabi (peace be upon him), he said,
"May Allah (Most Exalted Most High) shower him with mercy. He was the well-wisher of Allaah (Most Exalted Most High) and His Rasool, in life and in death."
Nice story.... ^_^
ReplyDeleteJakAllahu khair for the inspiring story.
ReplyDeleteAsalamu alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu,
ReplyDelete@Samudra Hati - Thank you im glad ou enjoyed.
@Ati - BarakAllah feek im glad it inspired you.