The master then instructed him to slaughter a goat and bring the two worst parts of its body to him. He slaughtered a goat and brought the Heart and tongue to his master.
The master exclaimed, "How is it that you brought the same organs both times?" Hadhrat Luqmaan Hakim (peace be upon him) replied,
"My master, if the heart and tongue are pure, then there is no other part better than it in the entire body and if these two are spoilt, than there is no worst part than them. As long as they remain pure, they are the best and if they are evil then they are the worst."
The distinction between Best and Worst practices is outlined clearly in Islamic teachings, tied to foundational Islamic Facts.
Islam categorizes actions and behaviours as the best and the worst based on their impact on spirituality and society. Understand how these categories align with the meaning of Iman (faith).
Avoid falling into the category of the worst by recognizing and healing from spiritual illnesses that corrupt the soul. Reflect on the golden words that encourage being among the best in character and conduct.
ASA wrwb.... Mash'Allah! Your stories are great reads! Jazak'Allah khairn!
ReplyDeleteASA wrwb, This is really a great read! Jazak'Allah khairn...
ReplyDeleteMashaAllah. That is soo true! Especially our tongue. InshaAllah we will belong to the people with pure hearts and tongues.
Thank you for sharing this great piece of wisdom
ReplyDeleteI want to share this in my blog, may I ?
ReplyDeletethank you for sharing a very wise + nice story to learn.. =)
ReplyDeleteOh.. :) Thanks!
ReplyDeletesalam alayki, So true! I have never read this before so jazakillhu khayran for teaching me something. I love Surah Luqman. So much beautiful and beneficial advice we can take form it.
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of a verse in the Bible "The power of life and death lie in the tongue."
ReplyDeleteAsalamu alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu,
ReplyDeleteJazakAllah Khair for your lovely comments.
@Galen Pearl - There are many common terms between the Qur'an & Bible.
@Sanaa - Walaikum asalam, I am a learner myself & thank you for your lovely words.
@Leia - Your welcome :)
@ros.lavender - Your welcome & thank you for commenting.
@fairuz - You may share a link to ireminisces.
@Edward Ott - Your welcome, for reading this piece of wisdom.
@Chahrazad - JazakAllah, I hope so, Aameen.
Can't express how much I love this blog, Alhumduillah full of great reminders -BarakAllah
ReplyDeleteSalaam wrh wbrt.. Jazakillah khairan katheer untuk peringatannya..
ReplyDeleteJadi teringat akan sebuah hadith, "Tidak akan lurus iman seseorang hamba, sehingga lurus pula hatinya, dan tidak akan lurus hatinya sehingga lurus pula lidahnya."
Walaikum asalam warahmatulahi wabaraktuhu,
ReplyDelete@Nuriddeen bint Yusuf - JazakAllah for your love, keep it coming! :)
@Taman yang Terpelihara - BarakAllah, I did translate to English to understand.
Very very true!
ReplyDelete@Brocha - True!