Islam A Revealed Religion And Not A Man-made System

An open Quran with a glowing light
The Islamic ideology is based on revelation (Qur'an and Hadith) and hence without weaknesses, loop-holes, imperfections and contradictions.

Qur'an is in arabic, the text is absolutely pure, and the whole world has failed to meet the challenge of writing even a verse like it.

If you are asked in the West to explain the conduct of the rulers in a Muslim State, tell them politely and clearly that you are wrong in assuming that Islam is that which Muslims practise!

Qur'an is the only Divine Book that has not undergone any change with time whatsoever.

Islam as a revealed religion emphasizes the importance of faith over man-made doctrines. The truth about Islam being a revealed religion, as explained in Islam: A Revealed Religion and Not a Man-Made One, ties directly to essential Islamic Facts.

Islam, as a divinely revealed religion, offers comprehensive guidance on all aspects of life. Explore the meaning of Iman (faith) and its importance in understanding the core of Islam.

This revelation also includes guidance on maintaining purity and avoiding spiritual illnesses that can affect one's faith.

For more on the profound teachings of Islam, reflect on the golden words that guide believers towards righteousness.



    There are so many ignorant people in this world, and I cannot make some of them understand that Islam is a TRUE religion of God, and not something that has been changed or even created by man. "Those who refuse to see the truth, Allah shall put a veil over their eyes, and plug their ears."

    I forget what verse this is, but it sends a powerful message to all.


  2. The noble Qur'an was sent to the world for the guidance of all humankind.

  3. deeply following islam and indepty studying of quran.

  4. Assalamu alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu,

    Forgive me for late response.

    @misticalnia - Walaikum asalam, your welcome & jazakAllah khair for your wise words

    @Tariq Mian - Indeed.

    @ SPREAD LOVE - Masha'Allah, seek the truth & you will find it, feel free to ask any questions insha'Allah.
